“Doggy Love” by Wong Ping – NOWNESS presents from NOWNESS on Vimeo.
The blurb: A young boy’s erotic fixation with a classmate boasting breasts on her back in Chinese animator Wong Ping’s NSFW Valentine’s love story. This animation was produced for Nowness. Their site says:
“Wong Ping gives new meaning to NSFW, whether making ice-lollies from human sweat or distilling intercourse-filled apocalyptic panic into surreal, colorful animation. Not merely an exercize in shock factor, each of the weird and wonderful worlds dreamed up by the Hong Kong artist divulge an underlying moral lesson: “No one remains a virgin, life fucks everyone.”
I’m not 100% sold on this video, it’s male protagonist seems to enjoy being mean to this girl and the animator makes no attempt to give her a personality aside from boobs. But it was weird and different so I thought I’d include it here.
Length: 5:59
Director: Wong Ping