The blurb: What if a Deaf man became an internationally famous adult film star, all because he’s very very good with his hands? Hands Solo is a short comedy mockumentary about one lucky person who makes it to the top.
This is a very funny short film with a heart of gold. Sure, it’s not very accurate when it comes to depicting what actually happens in porn but I can forgive that because it explores something we need to celebrate more in porn: hand jobs for women! Imagine if the focus of porn was always the woman’s orgasm, as it is in this universe? And bonus points for having a deaf protagonist as well.
William Mager is a deaf British filmmaker and scriptwriter. He has long been an advocate for representation of the deaf and hearing impaired in media, along with making it more accessible. Here’s his site.
He wrote this interesting article on the history of cinema for the deaf.
The post Hands Solo first appeared on Sexy Short Films.