The blurb: In bedrooms and on couches. Late at night and in the early hours of the morning. Strangers, acquaintances and casual flings open up to each other – revealing their most private, occasionally uplifting, sometimes shameful parts of themselves in the fleeting intimacy after a sexual encounter.
Skin to Skin is an experimental documentary exploring the beautifully messy relationship between intimacy and LGBTQ+ hook-up culture. Directed by award-winning directing duo LUNA, the film is a dreamy, kaleidoscopic journey into the real lives and stories of Ireland’s vibrant LGBTQ+ community.
In the media and popular culture, LGBTQ+ hook-up culture is often presented as one-dimensional, hedonistic, and impersonal,” the directors told Nowness. “By exploring these stories in all their richness, authenticity, and raw emotion, we wanted to show how hook-up culture allows alienated people to connect emotionally with others and allows individuals to experience a sense of intimacy and community.”
Length: 9:37
Director: Luna (Nathan Fagan and Luke Daly)
Year: 2021
The post Skin to Skin first appeared on Sexy Short Films.