MASK4MASK from Dirtyglitter on Vimeo.
What if you lived in a world where everyone shared the same kink as you?
This is another fab short from Dirty Glitter with a great sense of fun – make sure you stay for the last line.
The director’s artist statement:
My film and video practice uses cinematic language as a primary tool in my investigations of gender identity, queer sexuality, and self awareness through a lens of humor and popular culture. I often work with metaphors, creating new metaphors and literalizing pre-existing ones, with the intention of shifting the meanings of the metaphors or deconstructing them to render them useless. Experimenting with shifting genres and contexts, my work thematically and aesthetically explores the intersection of opposites (such as masculinity/femininity, high brow/low brow, filth/sparkle, etc.) and intentionally subverts learned ideals, working towards a reality in which the interplay of these opposites can create the unexpected.
My work celebrates ‘otherness’, bringing the fringe into a spotlight, and giving atypical expressions of identity, gender, individualism, and sexuality the center stage treatment.
Length: 3:21
Director: Aron Kantor